Saturday, May 1, 2010

enabler vs. enabling

It's been a tiring day at work today. There were lots of writing, talking, hearing and thinking. Well, maybe the thinking part is quite gray, because I always find my mind flying to never-land and back when my boss's half way talking - or was she blabbing..?!?

No matter whether today's been a fruitful day or not, two words suddenly strikes me in the middle of the meeting. Is this job an enabler for me to achieve something in the end of the day; or it's just enabling me to fulfill some of those empty spaces I have in me.

I know why I traveled all the way to Makati, Stellent Corp to work. I know it very clearly in my consciousness. But as I said in my previous blog that the feeling aren't the same anymore, I have forced myself to take this job as an enabler towards my certain goals and dreams. I want to believe that there are a certain "must" that I should do, because without it, it makes me un-able. Well..well...halfway through the transformation, this job funnily is turning into a force; enabling me to know what I'd really wanted all this while. It turns out into something I can have, and therefore I may have without.

Hence, I always feel a need for stronger force to keep me forward - just like today's agenda. It's enabling me to look at this job as an enabler. Usually when things come to this stake, it no longer look too promising and exciting. It feels like any regular job at any regular place.

But since the philosophy of "you should adapt to environment and not awaits the environment to adapt you" still exist in this era, I confidently believes, there will certainly be more amusement visiting, rather than looking it at such pessimistically....

Do everything with all your heart, and there's no one you should feel sorry for in the end of the day - SuperDad

1 comment:

  1. Work is always an enabling rather than enabler for me...hey, cheer up! September you will be back, it should be soon.....patience patience. Meanwhile enjoy all your attentions there! ;)
