Sunday, February 9, 2014

Scent of morning dew

Here I am in this private garden of literacy again. I am at much relieve that words had not leave me alone, like how sanity did. Amidst these turbulances, I have this only ability to express feelings to the very least. 

Phew, it was such a roller coaster lately. No ups, only plummeting way way down under. At a moment when I thought oxygen is (really) a luxury. It has always. Like living a life not for myself, but for mere survival. Only to breath in out, but not for myself. If suffocation is an alternative, I could have done that. 

No fret. Finally today. Just merely 10 days away from my birthday age; things aren't be the same no more. I've chosen renewal and I am not afraid. Even if I am afraid, it shouldn't last too long. Only the concious mind knows fear. In my cocoon, there's nothing but the sound of silence. Let's hit the button. 

I am watching the sun rise today, in just a few moments away. Local time at 0616 dated 9 Febuary 2014. I am sure this sun rise will not dissapoint me! 

Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhi