Sunday, December 13, 2009

Here comes another Monday...

Time a super fast bullet train! When I typed the topic, it just felt like deja-vu that I wrote the same topic yesterday. Wonders why Mondays always comes earlier than Saturday @,@

There's really nothing very special happened in this whole week. It's no longer as busy as it was in November, and there are lesser bombastic conversation hushing around office lately. Some seniors who have their chance to get back home for Xmas are undeniably excited, while those that have to stay back at work (me!)....seems unaffected. Nobody really talk about Xmas here. Maybe there are big mass of multicultural people here, and everyone has their respective favorite holidays...

As for me, there really isn't a big surprise that I won't be back home for Xmas this year. I've known that newbies got to stay back as early as November, so I'm kinda 'immune' to it already. Rather then spend time whining why I can't go home, I might as well try to enjoy my first Xmas at Philippines. Heard there will be lots of parties and caroling when Xmas approaches..and hope I will see something new by then.

Whatever it is....just another week to Xmas. Which means, just another 2 weeks to the end of 2009!~~~

and I'll be another year older?!?!?

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