Saturday, March 30, 2013

I can't

There are four puppies up for adoption. They are equally cute, dopey eyes and mischievous. They have every rights to be cared for, loved and cuddled for. They are innocent.

But I can't. Their every movement reminds me of leo. Every little steps those little paws touched the ground, those eyes. I remembered leo. And I just can't stop thinking. And ask why. Why leo. Why I didn't do enough to not let it happened. Why I can't forget that look. That last look leo gave us at the vet's door. That forever goodbye and never come back look. And yes I could still hear you loud and clear leo. That scream of terror. I just watched. I just stood there and I couldn't do anything else. Whatever you have been through. All those we have been through together. Is just like forever. Forever in me.

I am just not ready. Sorry pups. Sorry leo.

1 comment:

  1. Fate does not formed magically out of nowhere but through realistically logical process but formless termed as 'Relativity'. Leaving things behind is harder than lifting things forward and the same basic 'Relativity' rule applies still so it is same as seeing the apple falling down by gravity. Take it easy sweetie and just go with the flow and it will be 'OKAY' as it is.
