Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm home, for the 10th day!

Let's celebrate my 10th day return to Home Sweet Home, rejoicing my strength and courage to start all over again. Hmm...."start all over again"? Didn't my life begins here afterall? Why would home suddenly feels like a secondary nest of my surviving presence?

Coming home after 2 exciting years abroad gives me another insight -- Don't say nothing changes. Things does, and things did. In fact, the element that changes most is not the tangibles. It's a change to the human's heart. A change to lifestyles, a change to preferences, all characteristics big and small.

I feel like an object so foreign to all these differences. Cantonese, a language I've mastered since young; are uttered the same way I used to. But people are already interpreting it adversely now. Back in 2009, a comment made by me do not carry the same meaning to you if I ever let it slip from my lips again now.

I don't know why they want to build walls with me. I thought we are families? I thought we were friends? I thought we were, and still are aquaintance? Nothing ever matters now. Don't say nothing changes. You have the right to move on.

Showing off, is a severe attack of insecurity. Thinking people are always showing off with you, is a chronic ambush of inferiority. 比上不足 , 比下有余.

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