Sunday, February 3, 2013

all need an Escaped

This is not an ordinary weekend. I was anxious in the beginning, relaxed along the way and wholesomely thankful at enclosure.

City people are busy and stressful lots. I have ascertained that all weekend are just like any regular weekend ~ lots of sleep and stay away from traffic rush at all cost.

This weekend, I am gifted with a 3D2N escaped at the Gardens Hotel Mid Valley. My baby is one and only awesome!

There was serene swim session followed with beer by the pool. Fantabulous. And
this short escaped recharges me so much more compared to a rushing tiring trip to any part of the world, domestically or not.

I didn't sleep early wake early kind of arrangement here. In fact I am enjoying my chilled Hoegaarden, overlooking the bustling city-- feeling thankful that amidst all these city stress, I am with someone that gives me utmost assurance that tomorrow will be a better day.

I am blessed, truly!

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