Friday, September 2, 2011

September's Grinch

Try to remember, the kind of September..
When life was slow, and oh so mellow
Try to remember, the kind of September..
When grass was green and grain was yellow

Try to remember, when life was so tender..
That no one wept except the willow
Try to remember, when life was so tender..
When dreams was kept beside your pillow

And so it seems, life is supposed to be mellow....and slow...and soft music plays....WAIT A SEC..TODAY IS FRIDAY already!?!?!? Jesus! that's the end of a week long Merdeka Raya holidays! #%@$#^*@ ! and who from hell promised TGIF??

I can't believe it. This can't be true. I didn't rest enough. I didn't laugh enough. I didn't sleep enough!!!! Now, gimme back my 120 hours. Playback time please...........?????

I don't want to enter the realm of September yet. I would be very very busy and I need more time to be prepared in preparing to be busy. I am not ready emotionally, physically, technically, religiously and whatever fucking word that rhyme with it.

Can I throw some tantrums like a small kid now? I want lollipop, not tabletop. I want real people, not hypocrite. I want a real man, not a boyfriend. Hahs! Jolin said that, not me! I can't do sommesault gymnastics or have 32D cup! *wink*

I don't care. I don't live to work myself to death! Hear this, boring zombie? Get a life eventhough you do look like a dead one *phewwwiitttt...*

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