Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Re-generating Metta

I have wasted too much time feeling lost, deliberating unforeseen outcomes, worrying worthless agendas and carrying too much burden. Things that I have been too conscious about previously meant nothing serious to people I have cared for. I wasn't any big deal if I were to say things I have in mind earlier...rather than always waiting for the right time.

There is no right time, and there will never be the right time.

"Choose : Saying something you meant to say now and regret it later; or regret it later for not saying it now?" -- Phanida Suwanarat

I was so moved by Selina's courage and optimism in living through her 3rd degree burn. I remembered how I complained for having a pimple on my face, and that freaking sound I squeaked when I was recuperating from my less-than-3 inches cysts removing surgery. Well, maybe Selina threw her tantrums too but I believe it is never any easier than any pimples or laser cut.

Should any circumstances may befall me unknown, I am wondering now why should I waste so much time contemplating things I shouldn't even fret about. If living my this very life can be free as a bird, sealed from externalizations and demotivating opinions -- I would have saved more of those ticking seconds & minutes to say, to be, to do and to react upon real people who matters to me most.

I know you love me, and you know I love all of you. If you can feel what I say, you've got a piece of love cookie from me from this moment. Keep it with you, and redeem it with more of my time and precious events spent with you...


p/s: metta to Selina Ren too. You may not know me, but you know the universal language call love. Metta and speed recovery, Selina.

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