Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sanity call

The unidentified feeling when you are happy, and afraid being happy. Indeed. 

The sudden wrench of heart when sadness prevails, and all you need to know is when it will end. Indeed. 

Maybe the mantra to a healthy living is: Do not postpone joys, Never extend grievances. How many times in life is lived 'at the moment' with no worries whatsoever  about 'what if' and 'what not'. When the heart is not serene, it skips a beat away from happiness. When the mind is not tranquil, it slips away from inner peace and ultimately no peace gained. 

I have been listening to The Sound of Silence so much lately. While I've always loved the beauty of silence, this song reminds me the importance of speaking out.  Because within the silence soul lays the unrelented voices of an argumentative child. The art is not about total silence. It is saying the right words with the right emotions. 

"Don't learn Buddhism to be a Buddhist. Learn Dharmma to be a better person from whatever you already are now"

I have swayed from the path. I am finding directions to come back now. Whichever road I'm taking, be it the one which I walk with metta and courage. Be it the Middle Way that leads me home. 

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