Here does. I saw penguins, batman, pumpkins (popular one!) and a lizard kid walking along Valero St yesterday. As for the grown ups, I saw skeleton man, accidental deaths, witches, vietnamese souls, vampire (boring!) and mummies -- partying all night long.
And me..? Ha Ha .. I was supposed to be a dead waitress, but my make-up swayed me to another theme. I looked more like a possessed waitress. Imagine I was working late at one particular night, patrons were undoubtedly demanding and I was working my life off. And suddenly, a drunkard came over and forced his stinky breath lips on me...and wooosssshhhh! The devil came to me, gave me unlimited strength...and I strangled the big-O disgusting man to his last breath. And after which, I attended Stellent's Halloween Party. The End.
It was not a very very enjoyable party, because I was unwillingly chosen to be the Event MC that night. I was crapping my voice away, and all I've got is a bunch of not so sporting audiences. Well, not all of them, but most of them were so-not-cool. In fact, not everybody came dressed up! Some of them were too shy, a small quarter just wanted to look pretty, and the rest just joined for free food and drinks. Duhhz..should have spiked their drinks with some sorts of poison. If they don't participate to the fun, no healing potion for them!
my-oh-my, no matter what it was -- Yenny's first Halloween Party! Guess I won't have the opportunity to participate in this kinda event anymore. OR else, I can just bring my experience and spirits back to KL, and hope my bunch of buddies there will do something for Halloween 2011!