Wednesday, October 27, 2010

the power of faith~

At times of adversity, at that thinnest moment of survival, at that cross road of mere success or failure. No one ever tell you that bad moments will last. People you see everyday cannot promise a bed full with roses at every single tick of the clock too. Since in real practicality no one can tell you anything that's virtually confirmed, why care to find external assistance?

The real jig lies in yourself. Faith. The power of believing.

I have at any slightest opportunity, make myself covered with a full blanket of optimism. I do buy the thoughts that good aura makes an ugly encounter seems alright. If I were slapped by something so cruel to hear, I'd try to convince myself "maybe it's not so disgusting if I see it with my own eyes; rather than hearing it". If the visual ability is not cooperating with my cognitive gifts, I rest my case.

Well, I hate to hate when I know it is hatred that's hating me. And I believe the ultimatum of beliefs lies in the believer. If human are build to hate, then let's all rejoice to God's creation of great positive-driven mindset which works like the antibiotics.

Once in awhile, it is time to sit down, pop a pill or two...and tell yourself -- The medicine will work well...because very soon, all the hatred that's agonizing my body & soul will disappear with the power of faith~

But humans! Don't abuse the power of faith. Don't be a betrayer to the light of faith. Don't hurt the people who once believe in you, because once the faith is gone, there is nothing left. You don't always get a chance to resurrect faith.

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