I am dedicating this for the Future. In so much Hope that this will magically soothe all Pain and Disappointment that you have been through. There will be a vacuum of Memories, that cannot be left behind. And the same ol' fashion words of Bereavement will come to you. At that moment of Lost, there is nothing more precious than Silence, but that can be rare then. Even if people are not speaking to you, your Inner voice would Haunt you down. It preys on the Weak one, and it will be more difficult to even lift your lashes. You just want to Sleep, and never wake up. Your Dreams are much kinder than reality.
Let me share this Story with you:
I met a guy at the bar one day, he seems to be very composed yet chatty. And there he cracked a very simple but funny joke. We all laughed mad. That was a good one. And then several minutes later, he cracked that same joke. Some laughed, and others thought awhile. And soon later, he cracked the same joke again, exactly. This time no one laughed. I can't help but asked him why. No one will laugh at a repeating joke! He said, "yea, that's true. No one laugh at the same thing more than once or twice. But then, tell me why would people want to cry for the same pain, again and over again?"
And thus I said, "Tears are words that can't be spoken because it is too agonizing to even think of how to describe it"
Well, yes it feels better when Tears roll down cheeks. But it feels better Temporarily. One day, when you find the courage to describe those Pain in
words...you are truly Free.
Spread your wings, and let down the Past. Flap your wings, and live for your Future.
your Present
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