Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Au revoir Manila

Friends are reminding me that I will be leaving Manila at anytime soon now. I started with a countdown of how many days left to spend here, but gave up as time was running even faster than my counting down.

They kept me occupied with outings and crazy events so that I would still spare some space in my memory for Makati, Metro Manila. Gosh, do I really look so disgusted with this place after all? Not really. If I need to rejoice, there are certainly thumbs-up points that I can never resist coming back to Makati again....

1. The weather
I really really do love the weather here. Exceptional for typhoons. But on any regular days and nights, the weather have been very kind to my liking. I especially love it at night. I mean, very late at night. It is always windy at night, and the breeze is so comfortable you'd feel like falling asleep right there at the middle of the road. And by the day, the sun is never too fierce to people here. No matter how sunny it might be, there will surely be gentle breeze brushing on your skin. Comparing to temperature will be gushing like the blazing hot dry weather everyday!

2. Taxi services
It is such a norm for people to commute by a taxi here at Makati. Even though some taxi drivers will get greedy and ask for extra tipping, but they surely are far better disciplined that those morons we have back in KL. And I'm always beaming with a big smile whenever I can get a Vios, City or Avanza taxi. I'm paying for the same metered system, and of course I want a better car! :)

3. Strictly no driving
I am enjoying not driving at all. And in conjunction to that, no traffic jam. I don't need to face every dilemma of getting stuck in a snake-like car marathon. Here, a busy day starts with a cuppa coffee and delicious brunch and then head straight to work with my very own legs.

4. User-friendly walkway & tunnels
During my CNY break at home, I tried to walk back from Klinik T&C en route Taman Jaya. I'm used to walking at Makati, and I don't want to hassle daddy to come out again to pick me up. It was such an ugly stroll. Malaysian drivers were born to think walkers are too poor to own a car, so they can proudly sway their damn cars within inches from my body. Here at Makati, it is such pleasure to walk around the city. Cars make their stop when they see human at the zebra crossing. Tunnels are well lit and it is never scary even at night. And low crime rate. I can even spot an ATM machine at the subway here, not risking any brainless chap trying to bomb the damn thing off.

5. Freedom
I can practically do anything at anytime I want at Makati. I don't need to answer to any busybody queries on the "why"s and "how"s. Friends here do not and never compare their riches or rags with me. Because there is nothing much to compare, we briefly know what we are earning.

Life's full with uncertainties. If this is the oommpphhh that makes life interesting, I take the call.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

18th February of 2011

Loads of well wishes from friends or acquaintances were tagged to me at Facebook. A few close buddies even text-ed me directly to my phone, making the bonds much sweeter and of course, closer. Family members called, saying this should be the last birthday celebration away from home. The fact that I didn't spend my birthday at home for 2 years, startled me.

Time goes THAT fast??? Yes, admit it are at your last twenties. And the BIG-3 is coming in. Boo-Hoo...

Despite all great lines of "Have a blast on your Bday" or "Enjoy your day to the max!" kind of wishes, I was practically and realistically spending my Birthday-29 at home. To be precise, on the bed. Alone.

Down with throat inflammation and fever, doctor gave me a day of MC with much mercy. Urrghh...medicine again...but in order to recover asap, I've got to take the call. Or else, suffer the pain - NO WAY!

I still got my birthday cake, and blown the candles away. Muuk got a rectangle shaped (so odd!) chocolate cake over...and I chocked myself happily with it. Earlier, all I had was pancake with syrup and congee. It was only complete when I got that choco on my tastebuds again! I love d cake ! And love u too, Muuk ! You made my (helpless) birthday special again !

And JoyceHO told me Dad's eyesight needs a specialist's attention too. Dad is seeing sparks of line whenever he's in a dark room/place. When JoyceHO replied saying nothing is too took my worries away. Will follow up on this when I get home soon.

Well...there goes the special day. And deep in my heart...every birthday reminds me of the labor pain Mom had gone through for me. And for that, I should thank her instead, she should deserve the Happy Birthday wishes much more than I should. Love U SinMee...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

such odd feeling about myself

I jokingly told Mom that her daughter must strive to lead a good & prosperous Rabbit New Year, because the Tiger year wasn't too good. In year 2010, things wasn't able to run very smoothly (due to) many "small people" 小人 surrounding this helpless Doggie. I wore a new pair of shoe and stomp my feet as hardly as I could on 1st Day of CNY, believing to make all the 小人 die of stampede. Get away from me.

And now, Rabbit year is still fresh and anew - I am still feeling odd.

There's something lacking in me. Seriously lacking in me. The initiative to mix around with homosapiens. Be it people at MNL, or even KL. I am so haunted by the feeling of insecurity I've experienced in these 2 years, and I've brought the feeling back home with me. I am so deserted, that taking one step closer feels like miles away. I somehow feel safer, less chaotic living in my own world. It happens here, it happended back home.

As I write this down, I know this handicap somehow leave a negative impact in me. But yet, I might be enjoying it. Maybe it's fate...I was, and therefore will still be reserved.

No wonder I gave a name to my planet. It's called DinoLand.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

such odd feeling about weather

The warm winds blowing at Makati today smells like sea water. We all know that The Phillipines is indeed an island, but we have never smelled the wind like we are right next to the sea!

Friends here says it could be a Tsunami alert. Or anything similar. Any natural disaster that can cross your mind now, and certainly not something very welcoming. Other friends says they witnessed bugs, ants and small animals trying to find shelter by migrating. An office colleagues said the big red ants are all over his workstation today.

I don't know how real can things be. I don't know if anyone can tell me what's really going on. I just want to keep believing in positive aura. I just hope no one will be hurt; human, animals and plants alike.

METTA, and may love transcends all.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stellent's recourse

Day 1 at Stellent Services Corp after a long satisfying week on holiday. The moment I had my fingerprint scanned, nothing feels the same at 19th Floor of PBCom Tower anymore.

Some people resigned because they don't want to, but have to. Some people left because they don't have to, but desperately want to. Some people lost their soul, but restlessly worked for a living. Some people are still there, but are counting their days. Some people don't even dare to think about leaving or staying put, because sometimes faith just ain't enough.

I didn't want to drag myself to work. I don't know which category above I fit into, but I'm definitely not working for the sake of money alone. I work for a living. And by LIVING it means a whole lot bigger agenda.

I work because I need food for bodily enrichment, food for thoughts and food for love. Metta to all, in hope for a smooth sailing path of life.

Sound enlightened ehh? So, do I still need to drag myself to work tomorrow?