I have seen more adventures, and less of legendary magics in this so called last episode of Narnia. I really wished it wouldn't come to an end any sooner. But it seems so. Well, kids in the movie grow up, and they eventually need to find a way to end something. Just like that Harry Potter craze, heard that it's drawing the curtains soon. Or already drawn?
Well, I don't know how I came through this movie. I am very sure I didn't watch the first episode at the cinema. Maybe I just happened to stumble across a pirated disc laying lifelessly on the floor, and decided to play it and let it take my soul away.
The Chronicles of Narnia -- really a good one. Enjoyed the mesmerizing flow of magical fairy-tale, yet by the end of the day brings me back to reality. I hope life goes the same way too. I hope there's Land of Narnia, and I want to give a big thug (and HUG) to my favorite leo, Aslan. This is the most charming lion I've ever seen. And Aslan will rule my heart for many years more.
Well, hope to get the full collections of it once I get back. One day when my hair turns gray, sitting on a rocky chair...still hope to watch my favorite Chronicles again!

Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight,
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.
An extraordinary person, leads an extraordinary life..
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