However, a major home entertainment outlet is closing down one of it's shop at Greenbelt, and is selling loads of originals at much cheaper price. So, I was just casually browsing...browsing...and ended up bringing 2 pieces of Disney cartoons home with me -- Horton's hears a Who, and UP.
UP -- deeply touched, emotionally disturbed by this heart warming animation.

Plot's about Mr. Fredricksen flying his house to Paradise Falls using helium balloons. Mischievous and eager to earn a Assist The Elder little scout boy, Russel was dragged along to the adventure. At the land of South America, they made friends with big bird Kevin, and talking dog Dug.
" I know it sounds boring, but those are the ones I remember most..." says Russel, the little chubby boy.
This particular line strike me again, pulling me back to the origin of happiness. I have to agree more than I seemingly can to Russel's words. Sometimes, things that remain as most remembered events are not those breath taking ones. I can feel extremely angry or I can simply hate a person from head to toe. Or, I can even be so happy and crazy during a night out, that I decide to go all numb from laughing. But I doubt if I can really remember every moment of it, after a few years down the road.
Which are the ones I remember most?
I remember my childhood days at Taman Restu, small living flat with loads of talkative aunties from the neighboring lots. I remember the enthusiastic me waiting for the Porky Man (who sells pork, what else) to reach and once he shouts 'ju yok..!!!' I would rush down stairs and buy Mom's favorite lean meat. I remember Tony, the black brown mongrel, who I used to feed crackers every late evening.
There are also simple (and boring) stuffs I do everyday, every now and then; that matter most to me. I remember a very plain and routine relationship that I had. I remember going out in the wee hours, hand in hand; and all we got ourselves was just toothbrush from the petrol station kiosk. Irrelevant? but these are the ones I remember most. I remember how a tiring night after work was spent - biting buttocks, pillow fights and baby talks.
I also remember when a bunch of whacky girls loves to make BBQ at May's house when she was still staying at Bukit Angsana. Most of our celebrations, if not all, are BBQs party, and we didn't complain a single thing. We were all college going, and budget was our main subject. We could just grill all night long, laughing away. And it gathered most of us at the shortest time. These are the repetitive (and boring) ones, but I remember most. Now? It is more difficult to even talk to them, not to mention get together. They are earning thousands now, and they forgot BBQ. Now, they talk about international, oversea trips. What's home bound BBQ?
Nevertheless, it is just a composition of memories that I collect while age catches up. Everyone goes through these transitions at different stages of life. If not now, maybe later.
What I love about Russel is, he is one smart little boy. He knows how to remind some ol' chap (like ME) that money (lots of it) don't buy you good memories. It is those boring ones that lifts an upward curve on your lips....