Since May or June 2010...I have been loathing, complaining and jerking all my disappointment towards Drama Queens. Well, it started as Drama Queen without the "s" because I thought I would only be lucky enough to meet one undead species. But as days evolve, and so does drama queens...more joined in to the group. Well, let's just abbreviate it as DQ or DQs .... as how I always encode them.
Just like Dad's favorite phrase "morons are everywhere"...DQs are everywhere too. I am not; and should not be, any surprise to see one or two at Makati City. Maybe they added spice to my life. Without them, life would be boring, and I wouldn't have this chance to write about them! Hey, a tribute is highly honored. It weighs a very important position in my life. It denotes that I will still have memories about these DQs after many more chapters on this blog. DQs will never, ever let you slip away from their drama-ing nightmares. It is their life mission to haunt you once a while. So, to all the DQs I've fret. I won't forget YOU. Not so easy.
Weird, self centered, materialistic, cranky, mean....I've met countless of these people in 28 years. However, I am really caught defenseless to one particular Drama Queen -- HII YONG SING ESTHER. Before I begin, let's everybody raise, and give a big round of applause to this human. To this Queen. The Queen of all Drama. The Drama Queen Bitch. (I will alight why she is also called a bitch. Read on. Don't miss a thing)
I can't write in paragraphs about her. The more I write, the heater I get. Better not. I'd burn my own blog if I did. Let's keep it to simple, straight to the point format.
1. She pretended to be a smoker, to get attention. However, if I ever invite her for a puff, she would reject saying she doesn't want to go heavy. Fine. When asked if she need a ciggie, she would make up a story, saying some poor woman is selling cigarettes along the road. When asked how much per ciggie, she made up a ridiculous price, thinking all of us (smokers) are dumb. Til to date, no one knows why she put this up. Because pretending to be a smoker ( and letting a smoker know she doesn't know how to smoke) makes a shit out of her, rather than getting attention.
2. She does not take responsibility in a single mistake she did. Not only skipping the pretentious "I'm sorry" part, she will make a very innocent face telling you she's got nothing to do with it. After assigning her to read materials from the Sharepoint Library, I found that all documents were checked out. So I kindly told her that all she need to do is to retrieve the read version rather than checking it out. Because, it takes out hell lots of time for others to check it in later. She then gave me the blur look, and said she did not click the check out button, AT ALL! Fine. I reset all the options, and made her to assess Library again. This time, she clicked on Check Out button again. I was horrified.
3. It is very difficult to make her to use brain to think. Whenever there's any email to reply, or people asking her input on some cases, she feels it could be better to kill her straight away. But of course, she won't die so easily either. She will start her sweet conversation with others, asking for opinions or directions. Then she would copy and paste whatever *shit* she had gathered and reply the email with full satisfaction. However, not all things she gathered are useful. When questioned further, she would just say " I don't fact it was (another person's name) who asked me to write/do it this way......"
4. PART I -- She got some skin allergies due to beer. By then, most of her drama were already unveiled, and she knows precisely she can't drama further. She won't risk of getting caught red handed. So she requested HR for a department transfer, which ironically was approved. Desperate to go home (MSIA) before starting her new (drama) at Payment Dept, she aggravated her skin allergies. She took more beer every night, and eat seafood whenever she can. She went to see doctor (to have medical records) but never care to eat the medicine. She continue to intoxicate herself, and cried at HR Dept, begging to be released home. She said she need to be hospitalized, because local doctors could not cure her skin disease (allergies). Hell, how to cure when she is not taking medicine, and continuing to intoxicate herself?
5. PART II -- Finally HR Dept pitied her, let her home. Once home, she text-ed her Makati boyfriend Mr Toh and get his attention. She told him she needs a BLOOD TRANSFUSION. Her blood is "dirtied" and need new blood. The doctor at KL "professionally" inserted a tube via her old wound from appendices surgery and inserted new animal blood to her oh-so-weak body. Doctor gave her animal blood because it was so emergency that they couldn't find a matched human blood. And guess the endings, can you? Mr Toh pitied her and reassure HR that she is really sick. Toh actually believed all she said!?!??!!? Gosh, love is blind? She came back after 3 days of MC from a non-existence Clinic. And there and then, she looked like a pig to me. Don't guess further which animal donated blood to her.
ok...I am feeling HOT already. She really think that we are DUMB enough to believe her. But for the sake of history recording, I will go on. Maybe this piece of story can be a good reference to the younger generation next time.
6. After she make good use of Mr Toh's tender love & care, she dumped him. She bitch-ed a china guy Mr Wang. Yeah, this is how DQ Bitch title came from. We couldn't really guess the reason why she dumped Toh for Wang, but the only possibility, Wang is an IT guy. She need an IT guy to fix her Sony Vaio. So Wang happily fixes her laptop while DQ spread her legs for his pleasure. She stayed at his place every night, totally disregarding her room mate existence. Well, DQ's room mate could not be bothered because ... who is NOT sick of DQ by now?
7. After her laptop is fixed, she found that her room mate is giving her a very cold shoulder. DQ knows her room mate found her skeletons. So, she proudly moves out from company's residence and rent a studio suite outside. Well, suitable for her so that she can bitch any guy to her place for a good romantic night of sex trade. She dumped Wang, and now is rumored to bitch a guy named Shen. This guy Shen already has a steady girlfriend, but vulnerable to juicy vagina...fallen trap. Heard that Shen is in the midst of breaking up with his girlfriend, and still in dilemma if he should go ahead with DQ. What a stupid guy. He used his balls to think, that's why.
8. Latest news about DQ's family. Before that, let me recap. She said she came from a broken family. Her father divorced her mother, accusing her for having an affair. However, her mother became DQ's life's heroine, for bringing 3 toddlers - Bro, Sis and DQ up. Clap Clap. She also commented that her brother has extra marital affairs (following her father's footsteps). DQ's whole family hated her very much in year 2008, because DQ allegedly bitches with her own Sister's boyfriend then. But all these are not the essence. The essence is : Her sister got married early Nov 2010. DQ was no where to be found in the family video. This proves that DQ is never welcomed in the family after all. Anyway, who wants to have a younger sister that bitches with own boyfriend? Second : DQ was not raised from a broken family. Father, Mother, Brother, Sis-in-Law, Sister & Husband are all seen happily taking family photo and videos during the wedding, EXCEPT DQ. So sad. Let's sob together. At this point, we don't need a genius to know why DQ is such a black sheep in the family. Maybe DQ treated her family exactly the same way she did to all of us here at Makati...If not, any better ideas?
I have to end it here. If I continue, I don't think I can ever stop. These are only some of the highlights, many more Kisah Benar not even included yet. I so am tired typing, but I could write a book out of this.
I don't know if this human is a sadistic, or she simply deserve it. I made a decision to stay away from this Queen not because I am afraid of her, because I am sick of her sadism; I can't possibly react naturally anymore. The force of Karma knows best.
Disclaimer: The original characters and plot above are anonymously named, and are the property of the author of this story. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 www.memoirswithyenny.blogspot. All rights reserved.