It is getting more & more busier each day. The peak season of online gaming is already coming in and people from all divisions are working ourselves out. I know this will continue at least towards end of November, and gosh I hope to be back home by end of December. Dumb HR just materialized a new rule that only 5 days of unused Annual Leaves can be brought forward every year. Damn. Of course this is affecting me. Many seniors are rushing to clear their AL by end of this year because they have accumulated many days of AL before this stupid HR ruling. Which means, due to lack of manpower, I may have to stay back in December. Damn Damn Damn....I hope I can be back. Newbies are always less fortunate...unfair!!!!
I had so many leagues to be taken of today until I forgot my dinner. Or lunch. I don't know which meal I've skipped anyway. But it was so sweet of Bobby today. He bought a piece of banana cake (my favorite!) and bring it over to my division today. He never do this kinda things for so long already. I'm not sure if he didn't have the opportunity to do so, or he was just plain ignorant last time. I think the latter describes him better. But whatever the past is like, he really did brighten my day with a simple gesture. Maybe these are the "petty" things I've always needed from him all the years. I don't really need a hippy life, or a big car, or a lavish candlelit dinner. Just something spontaneous and thoughtful. I wonder he got the message or not, but I really wish he's improving.
I'm so looking forward to next Monday. Dad & Mom are back from their China trip, and Mom bought me a knee-length white qibao a.k.a cheongsam (cannot really call it cheongsam cos its knee-lenght ;p). According to her, it is trendy & sexy type (sexy?!!?! I doubt it) Well, Dad will send me their pictures taken during the trip and also some other updated photos of all @ home...including my darling LEO. Ohhh...I miss this naughty brat. Dad says Leo is getting fatter and his coat of fur is more shiny compared to last time. Mom says he's got bigger buttocks now...hehehe...
It's raining so heavily now at Makati. Cold & lonely could be words to describe my situation now. But after reading Sis's blog, I don't feel so bad after all. Despite all the hardship and struggle here, I know someone precious is always thinking of me irregardless of any weather. Their support and blessings are true love with no boundaries!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Simple...? yet special didn't turn out as bad as I had expected.....
Dearest Sis a.k.a my sweety angel:
yeah, you are right. Who don't really spill things up at work..? Maybe I was just being emotional. But feeling regretful after a bad day's at work would at least reminds me to be more careful next time. Or I can just tell myself that people can really have the right to be wrong at some situations.
It's great to feel your concern even we are so many miles away with each other. About your considerations about me not pouring out enough; I reckon it's just part of me that's been hidden in the wardrobe for quite some time. You know, shy little creature feeling awkward to "expose" herself at times...?
If God would ask me what are the things I've accomplish in this life, I would answer Him that I've accomplished LOVE in my life.
A love which not only blessed by my family members, but also love from a total stranger in my life. A stranger which I accidentally and unexpectedly made friends with, and then it developed into something called sisterhood. I have a brother which I could never be as close to my sister. A sister which would know things about me more than my brother would know.
A sister named after Sherine Chin Oi Lian.
But if God says this is not sisterhood at all, then I would just tell Him that I don't really need any definition for it. I just feel it in my heart.
Dearest Sis a.k.a my sweety angel:
yeah, you are right. Who don't really spill things up at work..? Maybe I was just being emotional. But feeling regretful after a bad day's at work would at least reminds me to be more careful next time. Or I can just tell myself that people can really have the right to be wrong at some situations.
It's great to feel your concern even we are so many miles away with each other. About your considerations about me not pouring out enough; I reckon it's just part of me that's been hidden in the wardrobe for quite some time. You know, shy little creature feeling awkward to "expose" herself at times...?
If God would ask me what are the things I've accomplish in this life, I would answer Him that I've accomplished LOVE in my life.
A love which not only blessed by my family members, but also love from a total stranger in my life. A stranger which I accidentally and unexpectedly made friends with, and then it developed into something called sisterhood. I have a brother which I could never be as close to my sister. A sister which would know things about me more than my brother would know.
A sister named after Sherine Chin Oi Lian.
But if God says this is not sisterhood at all, then I would just tell Him that I don't really need any definition for it. I just feel it in my heart.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I feel so blank today. Maybe "blank" is too subtle to describe my feelings now ~ empty should be a better word.
I did something so wrong at work today. However, the error only emerged towards the end of my shift so it was too late to realize it and make things right. The impact was so huge that I nearly ran out of breath. I don't know why....
I was just like a little school girl who failed her spelling test and was afraid the teacher would punish me and hit my hand with a ruler....kiddy me :(
shall know it by tomorrow....
I did something so wrong at work today. However, the error only emerged towards the end of my shift so it was too late to realize it and make things right. The impact was so huge that I nearly ran out of breath. I don't know why....
I was just like a little school girl who failed her spelling test and was afraid the teacher would punish me and hit my hand with a ruler....kiddy me :(
shall know it by tomorrow....
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
my Day & Night @ Makati City
It's almost (I mean really almost) half a year here in Makati City. I wonder if I have stayed back at KL, what would I be doing right now.....
Had a sweaty and satisfying gym work-out all-alone just now. A thought just strikes me that I've never taken any pictures of Makati City from a bird's view angle after so long. So I searched through my gym bag and shockingly surprised enough; I have my camera in my gym bag ( I don't know what's the camera doing in my gym bag,really =." )
So here goes.....:

Had a sweaty and satisfying gym work-out all-alone just now. A thought just strikes me that I've never taken any pictures of Makati City from a bird's view angle after so long. So I searched through my gym bag and shockingly surprised enough; I have my camera in my gym bag ( I don't know what's the camera doing in my gym bag,really =." )
So here goes.....:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Am I a commitment freak..?
You have the tendency to be a bit of a flake, and any binding agreements make you slightly nervous.
You might be a bit skittish about making commitments in your life, but it hasn't developed into a full-fledged phobia - yet. You're a hard worker and have no problem dedicating yourself to something you really believe in - but it does take awhile to secure your faith in a project. So you already take some parts of your life rather seriously. However, making commitments usually means letting other people be in the driver's seat sometimes, and that sometimes rubs you the wrong way. But you don't have to let it! You value freedom and spontaneity, qualities that don't always mesh well with a huge load of responsibility, but in an ideal commitment, you're still free to be you. Naturally you should exercise caution if you're with someone who tries to control your life or keeps you forever on the straight-and-narrow. But the right person for you will respect your individuality and your life. If the right opportunity arises, just say yes, but if you're feeling smothered, just back out. No one will think less of you for it.
You might be a bit skittish about making commitments in your life, but it hasn't developed into a full-fledged phobia - yet. You're a hard worker and have no problem dedicating yourself to something you really believe in - but it does take awhile to secure your faith in a project. So you already take some parts of your life rather seriously. However, making commitments usually means letting other people be in the driver's seat sometimes, and that sometimes rubs you the wrong way. But you don't have to let it! You value freedom and spontaneity, qualities that don't always mesh well with a huge load of responsibility, but in an ideal commitment, you're still free to be you. Naturally you should exercise caution if you're with someone who tries to control your life or keeps you forever on the straight-and-narrow. But the right person for you will respect your individuality and your life. If the right opportunity arises, just say yes, but if you're feeling smothered, just back out. No one will think less of you for it.
All about L.O.V.E...(part2)
Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable.
- Brothers, Dr. Joyce
The strenght of "hope"
Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously heading for success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good.
- Havel, Vaclav
Hope is both the earliest and the most indispensable virtue inherent in the state of being alive. If life is to be sustained hope must remain, even where confidence is wounded, trust impaired.
- Erikson, Erik H.
Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.
- Havel, Vaclav
Hope is the last thing that dies in man; and though it be exceedingly deceitful, yet it is of this good use to us, that while we are traveling through life it conducts us in an easier and more pleasant way to our journey's end.
- La Rochefoucauld, Francois De
- Havel, Vaclav
Hope is both the earliest and the most indispensable virtue inherent in the state of being alive. If life is to be sustained hope must remain, even where confidence is wounded, trust impaired.
- Erikson, Erik H.
Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.
- Havel, Vaclav
Hope is the last thing that dies in man; and though it be exceedingly deceitful, yet it is of this good use to us, that while we are traveling through life it conducts us in an easier and more pleasant way to our journey's end.
- La Rochefoucauld, Francois De
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
1. Dad and Mom are in Shanghai (& a few other parts of china I don't know where) by now...I hope they are enjoying a safe & amazing trip this time. It's in conjunction with Dad's birthday & their 33rd year wedding anniversary. Well, they always liked China but I think it's a boring place. So "scenery" with no excitement. But what else can two old-bags be doing except strolling by the river banks...walk across mountains...*yawn yawn* So Ms. Smart (me!) had planned a family trip to Hong Kong Disneyland for next year! yeah yeah...Mickey Mouse...Donald Duck...I'm coming!!! Hopes Bro & Carol can tag along too...pre-wedding honeymoon, maybe..?
2. Got hold of Kok Sheng (Caspo) after work today. Was chatting around regarding my work here, and he asked if I'm blending well with life. Well, of course things are getting much better now compared to my first month here, but I'd still miss home! hehe..I'm telling everyone at Caspo that I'm missing home, guess to much of broadcasting eh..Then he did mentioned that I might be given an opportunity to try out the Training & Development Dept too, but not too soon. Gosh, my heart was pounding! I didn't know I can do that job here. I mean trying is already a very big step for me. If I'm given the chance, God knows how much happier I would be....erm...dear Santa, you heard my Xmas wish already?
3. My relationship with Bobby here has improved so much ...after traveling so many miles away from home. I didn't notice until my colleague teased me about it today. She said my face sparkles whenever he's in the subject of the conversation. Well, he's really a great great companion for me here. He took good care of me when I had my first gastric attack here all alone, and it was so warm that he had waited for me to finish work so we can catch up dinner together. Even though our working shift is totally different and I don't get to see him often, but I appreciate that he takes up the courage & initiative to get together on his off-day. Well, "dated" him for a beer session this Wednesday nite, and I hope it goes a tingling feeling like our first date outing ;P hope there will be pictures taken that nite so I can post it up!
4.I'm quite independent at work today...which means, my senior had "released" his watchful eyes on me and gave me more freedom to perform. Even it was a little messy, I am fairly satisfied with my full performance. At least I was enjoying it. Another step forward to the Online gaming industry. Good news.
5. I've found Care Bears here in Makati City! I remembered fondly that I used to have a Rainbow Care Bear when I was very small...about 5 years old perhaps. That cartoon was still a hit during my pre-school time and I loved it so much. Each Care Bears have their own power and it is shown on the chest ( or is it on their tummy?). Whenever Care Bears saves the day, they would all shines their respective powers through their chest (or tummy?). Then it would be all-well ends-well again....I was so silly that I nearly bought a Care Bear soft toy over at e-Bay because I can't find it anymore anywhere at Kl Toys"R"Us or other leading toy shop. But the price is usually hiked up if we buy via online so I gave up. Now here in Makati, I saw small Care Bears toys at the Amusement Arena, and I'm damn sure they are selling like hot cakes here. I'm gonna get myself a Rainbow Care Bear soon! No doubt!
2. Got hold of Kok Sheng (Caspo) after work today. Was chatting around regarding my work here, and he asked if I'm blending well with life. Well, of course things are getting much better now compared to my first month here, but I'd still miss home! hehe..I'm telling everyone at Caspo that I'm missing home, guess to much of broadcasting eh..Then he did mentioned that I might be given an opportunity to try out the Training & Development Dept too, but not too soon. Gosh, my heart was pounding! I didn't know I can do that job here. I mean trying is already a very big step for me. If I'm given the chance, God knows how much happier I would be....erm...dear Santa, you heard my Xmas wish already?
3. My relationship with Bobby here has improved so much ...after traveling so many miles away from home. I didn't notice until my colleague teased me about it today. She said my face sparkles whenever he's in the subject of the conversation. Well, he's really a great great companion for me here. He took good care of me when I had my first gastric attack here all alone, and it was so warm that he had waited for me to finish work so we can catch up dinner together. Even though our working shift is totally different and I don't get to see him often, but I appreciate that he takes up the courage & initiative to get together on his off-day. Well, "dated" him for a beer session this Wednesday nite, and I hope it goes a tingling feeling like our first date outing ;P hope there will be pictures taken that nite so I can post it up!
4.I'm quite independent at work today...which means, my senior had "released" his watchful eyes on me and gave me more freedom to perform. Even it was a little messy, I am fairly satisfied with my full performance. At least I was enjoying it. Another step forward to the Online gaming industry. Good news.
5. I've found Care Bears here in Makati City! I remembered fondly that I used to have a Rainbow Care Bear when I was very small...about 5 years old perhaps. That cartoon was still a hit during my pre-school time and I loved it so much. Each Care Bears have their own power and it is shown on the chest ( or is it on their tummy?). Whenever Care Bears saves the day, they would all shines their respective powers through their chest (or tummy?). Then it would be all-well ends-well again....I was so silly that I nearly bought a Care Bear soft toy over at e-Bay because I can't find it anymore anywhere at Kl Toys"R"Us or other leading toy shop. But the price is usually hiked up if we buy via online so I gave up. Now here in Makati, I saw small Care Bears toys at the Amusement Arena, and I'm damn sure they are selling like hot cakes here. I'm gonna get myself a Rainbow Care Bear soon! No doubt!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Daddy's Birthday 2009
It's Daddy's birthday tomorrow...All I could do was to send him a birthday greeting card, and pen down my most sincere wishes to him....The rest, I leave it to Bro, heard that he's bringing Dad & Mom out for dinner tomorrow night. Hopes that Carol would tag along too...!
No pictures to be downloaded for this year's birthday. I could celebrate Mom's birthday with her, but not Dad's. Nevertheless, may the dinner tomorrow be as warm as it can be, and may their happiness be spared to Makati City, The Philippines. I may miss it this year, but I can surely feel the celebration's going on!
As for me here, Guardian Angels please grant my prayers for many many many more happy, healthy & joyous birthdays for Daddy to have....!
No pictures to be downloaded for this year's birthday. I could celebrate Mom's birthday with her, but not Dad's. Nevertheless, may the dinner tomorrow be as warm as it can be, and may their happiness be spared to Makati City, The Philippines. I may miss it this year, but I can surely feel the celebration's going on!
As for me here, Guardian Angels please grant my prayers for many many many more happy, healthy & joyous birthdays for Daddy to have....!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I've always think that God is always there for me to balance up my life. He would not grant me with too much happiness, til I forget the bittersweet feeling of hardship. Nor He would just stay at bay whenever I'm trouble; because no matter how difficult things may seem, there is certainly a helping hand coming along my way....
I do not know if this is the feeling of spiritual beliefs, but as I grow older I tend to understand that there are millions of things on earth left unanswered; not due to lack of intellectual skills of the human race. Maybe there is always a mythological power that keeps us looking forward to Life, and enjoy every magical moments which formed us into a human.
I do not know if this is the feeling of spiritual beliefs, but as I grow older I tend to understand that there are millions of things on earth left unanswered; not due to lack of intellectual skills of the human race. Maybe there is always a mythological power that keeps us looking forward to Life, and enjoy every magical moments which formed us into a human.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I just said that it was a difficult day yesterday...and poof**! I'm home early today. Yeah, kind Boss "release" us 3 hours ahead from our off-work time. Maybe he is in an incredible good mood today, or he's just thinking what the hell is a bunch of zombie-like dark eye circles roaming around....
Better ward-off these sleep-deprived crazy workaholics before they start sucking blood in the company~~ ha-ha!
I'm home! gotta get a good rest today.....
Better ward-off these sleep-deprived crazy workaholics before they start sucking blood in the company~~ ha-ha!
I'm home! gotta get a good rest today.....
Saturday, October 10, 2009
It's a tough Saturday!
It has been a difficult day at work today...There were so many obstacle that came my way, and I had to sort out & categorize the problems before a new one sets in. Who ever told me that a busy day would seems shorter...?
Tickets coming in!!Odds moving out!!Deadline towards my major leagues!!Stock trading!!Time's running out!!New games dashing entry!!Prices adjusted!!Big gamers here!!Run avatar....!!!!
huhhhh.....what a DAY....
It has been a difficult day at work today...There were so many obstacle that came my way, and I had to sort out & categorize the problems before a new one sets in. Who ever told me that a busy day would seems shorter...?
Tickets coming in!!Odds moving out!!Deadline towards my major leagues!!Stock trading!!Time's running out!!New games dashing entry!!Prices adjusted!!Big gamers here!!Run avatar....!!!!
huhhhh.....what a DAY....
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
a letter from Daddy....
Dear Yen,
You're a good girl.
I have already made up my mind , have to talk to my boss later this month or early next month. Dont forget I have to give him good advance notice. I reckon I can get out end Dec or sometime Jan/Feb.
Its no longer healthy for me to continue when I am no longer working as happy as I used to be. Somehow or rather, I have a gut feeling that opportunity shall come my way , without AE.
The bag have been working in this line since 1971, can you imagine. I am tired, sometimes very tired, though the money is good, but how much is enough or not enough. I decided health & mum come first, she has been alone at home for so many long years for example.
The only thing I want from you is not to worry about me, I'll be fine, really and you don't have to cut short your working years in Manila if you are happy there.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Typhoon Pepeng 2009
There are news that the typhoon will hit The Philippines again tomorrow or Sunday (local date 3rd / 4th October 2009)...and they even got it a name - Typhoon Pepeng. The previous one that hit Manila was called Typhoon Ondoy. It still irks me why would human give names to typhoons, as if there are so many typhoons to be expected and "they" need an identity....
Of course I'm worried. Everybody is worried it seems. My company had also issued a concern warning to all staffs to be alert and pack enough emergencies kit, just to be on the safe side. Asking around some seniors, they told me it's a norm to get strong winds or typhoons here in Philippines, but this Typhoon Pepeng is also scaring them out a bit. The winds are expected to move in & attack at 210km/h, which is almost equivalent to a racing car's speed. But huge, massive winds we are talking about here; not a single McLaren.
I've just called home and told Dad about it, and re-assured him that I've got the emergency kit ready by my side. The main reason is hoping to calm him and not worry about me too much. To my surprised, Dad sounded more composed than me. He told me that it is now happening everywhere, and there's nothing much better that we can do except taking good care and be attentive. Exactly what I have in mind, too. To take good care and pledge to keep myself from harm. Other, let's put it on God's hands.
Dad says this is a natural disaster and it's not our will to run away from it. I say it is an approaching warning from Mother Nature reminding her children not to piss her off anymore......
Let's all really pray that no innocent lives be taken away this time...
Of course I'm worried. Everybody is worried it seems. My company had also issued a concern warning to all staffs to be alert and pack enough emergencies kit, just to be on the safe side. Asking around some seniors, they told me it's a norm to get strong winds or typhoons here in Philippines, but this Typhoon Pepeng is also scaring them out a bit. The winds are expected to move in & attack at 210km/h, which is almost equivalent to a racing car's speed. But huge, massive winds we are talking about here; not a single McLaren.
I've just called home and told Dad about it, and re-assured him that I've got the emergency kit ready by my side. The main reason is hoping to calm him and not worry about me too much. To my surprised, Dad sounded more composed than me. He told me that it is now happening everywhere, and there's nothing much better that we can do except taking good care and be attentive. Exactly what I have in mind, too. To take good care and pledge to keep myself from harm. Other, let's put it on God's hands.
Dad says this is a natural disaster and it's not our will to run away from it. I say it is an approaching warning from Mother Nature reminding her children not to piss her off anymore......
Let's all really pray that no innocent lives be taken away this time...
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