Thursday, July 23, 2009

Heart Talk - Q & A

Time really, really flies. It felt just like yesterday when I had the e-interview with my boss-to-be. I was full with confidence that I still have a long long way to go before my departure date to Makati city, Philippines....

Today, I feel that I ain't got enough moments to collect all my thoughts of going yet. In the midst of finding myself a direction to believe that I'll be leaving HOME in less than 36 hours, I have to admit that I'm soooo tired in answering questions posted by my acquaintances about
how i feel about leaving. Ironic isn't it? My thoughts are already so scattered around like pieces of rubbish and yet, I'm socially-forced to answer those questions with a willing heart. I mean, its not that I'm not willing. I'm just getting freaked out in answering the same ol' questions which I had since past few weeks...!....

Sigh, I know I sound abrupt here, but I'm just as lost as Easter Bunny in Halloween ya know. Well, uhm....since everybody is interested to know at about the same thing, I might just build a Q&A here to satisfy everybody, including myself - hoping all my true friends understands that I'm not trying to hide anything. I'm just tired in answering.....

Q: Why leave KL? or Why go to Philippines?
A: Dear tai-ko and tai-chehs....cari makan la...apa is not about holidaying or vacation all the time. Maybe I can really establish a career here in KL and lead a similar good life, but I see it as an opportunity rather than a risky decision. We all make risky decision in our lives and I've just chose Philippines. God knows, if I can't make it big there, I can still come back to my loving home here in KL and start all over again. But at least I won't feel like a loser of not even dared to make choices.

Q: What are you doing in Philippines?
A: I'm joining an Online Gaming / Betting company. Stop asking further questions here because you didn't give a damn on what I was doing here in KL. So why bother to ask so much questions now? Your sudden interest in my career now will only make you look like an idiotic hypocrite .... haha

Q: They are paying you great?
A: Of course. Would you change a job in KL if you only got 500 bucks extra? OK OK come back yam-cha, I pay lor....

Q:Don't you miss your parents/family members/friends....etc?
A: Of course I miss all of them here in KL. Especially Mr & Mrs Ho....they are my everything. But yet, that should not be the sole reason of not leaving. I'm sure my parents will back me up if I'm doing the right thing. They gave me life, but I walk the paths myself. As for friends here, well, they certainly remain an important role in my life. I will miss them and bring their laughter with me everywhere.....

Q: Don't they (as above) miss you too?
A: I'm sure they would feel the same......but if you want precise answers, please arrange with my secretary for another section of interview with them...

Q: Awww...I miss do we keep in touch?
A: Well, we can always keep in touch via email/facebook/msn/skype. But c'mon, stop pretending that you really miss me so much. Stop telling me like your life ends when I'm no longer in many times per average in a week you would look for me when I'm in KL.../ count with your own don't miss me that much now right?

Q: When are you coming back?
A: For short term/holiday basis, I'll be back at least 3 times in a year. I'll be back for about a week to spend most of my time with Daddy, Mom Mom, and you....
But I'll be coming back for good one day. Its either I truly know deep in my heart that the job doesn't suit me, or I got kicked in the ass by my boss - I'll be back! However, if things are going on well there, I'm having a 3 years plan. Well to get as much wealth power that I can whilst I'm still young & energetic (healthy sounds like a better word). On top of everything, I'll be back once Daddy & Mommy needs me to be with them. I won't spend too much time looking out without considering about them. After all, they are my main motivation to be out there....

So, that's about it.....God, please assign your Guardian Angel to my quest of self-discovery.....and just asking if You have an Angel that speaks Tagalog...?

Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu....

1 comment:

  1. The Q and A was great but I think people still prefer to ask you verbally because when they see you up close, sure will ask one. Again, then you will have to repeat non-stop.

    So, it's best if you bring along your jaringbuku and your broadband everywhere you go. When they ask, see for yourself!
