Was Skype-ing with SuperDad&MOm, Joyce and my favorite Leo for the past 2 hours. Dad still looks the same, with not much hair but still the cutest Dad in the whole wide world. Whereas Mom, as daddy said, has lose some weight and lack of some pinkish glow on her face. Dad says Mom's health is average lately, maybe due to lack of sleep or she's still on medication for her inherited diabetic problem. Well, whatever, I need to ensure she's watching her diet everyday and take good care of her. Joyce...Joyce...still the same old' Joyce. Never spend much time in improving her appearance and body weight. Still plump, and shaggy, and ugly. She even changed her spectacles and now she looks like Lam Ah Chan. gosh.....save her ....
Leo! is fur-less again .. lolz..! You know poodles has this curly coat and whenever it grows longer, it will tangle easily. So, Mom brought him to his monthly saloon routine, and now, he looks like a chihuahua....
I miss this weird family. My family.

Your mum has really loss weight based on this photo. Hope she is doing fine and taking good care of herself.