It happened at Hap Chan Restaurant, we were having late supper around 1.30a.m. We chatted happily until I felt uneasy and I told B that I feel like vomiting. In fact, I don't even sure if all I wanted was to vomit. I just felt a sudden loss of mind and I felt cold all over....I tried to get up and excused myself to the washroom. My last memory was the toilet door is locked and I turned around to get back to my table.....
And there and then, I fainted. Just boomphh....right there.
I don't even know how long I've passed out, but all I heard was Bobby's voice calling me...I knew my eyes are opened, but I couldn't see a single thing. I hold B so tightly, I even asked him "B, are my eyes open? I can't see you...."
Fainting this time feels like a cut of signal on tv. You don't get any visuals, just dark and you hear all kinds of funny voices around. And for that single moment, I thought I'm blind. And it scares the hell out of me.
Of course, I'm better now. I get pains on my left shoulder and neck; and a few bruises on my knee. The worst bruise I got on my chin - because B said I fell faced down.....

Hope the worst is over, and a new year may bring new beginning, new hopes and better luck.
Oh my goodness!! The bruise seems bad. Izzit better now? What caused the sudden faint? Did you go and see any doctor?